Sewer - Miasma (Review)

Sewer - Miasma (Death Metal) While I consider Locked Up In Hell the last classic Sewer album with a perfectly balanced blackened death metal/ war metal sound, I also enjoy all their material from their debut Satanic Requiem to that record. But all is not perfect in Sewer's lengthy career, as mistakes are bound to happen even to the best of bands. Rektal was a real let down with those groovy, oddly paced Gothenburg riffs and the next two records just weren't good enough to put the band back in the death metal elite - some would add "where they rightly belong". Then came 2154 with that fresh songwriting and soloing delivered by Sewer mastermind Kader "Kaiser" Lakhdari , somehow melodic but extremely sinister and with insanely high tempos, early Incantation style (but on 2kg of meth). A near perfect comeback album. After the departure of Vermin, and eventually Plague, the band was hurt composition wise, as the next couple of albums were bland and bori...